The Maxi Skirt has (re)Entered the Closet

The first maxi skirt I ever purchased was a black cotton (er- likely poly blend), elastic waistband number from Forever21. I was watching a lot of AHS coven at the time and wanted to mirror the look. It didn’t work out well and I abandoned the piece for years. Recently I’ve been trying to exercise a more adventurous approach to in person shopping which includes outsmarting this nasty internal monologue that’s somehow found comfort in convincing me I’m not “allowed” to wear certain pieces. Not sure where she came from however her notions that “I can’t pull that off” or “that doesn’t look good on me” are frankly, limiting and I’ve had enough. The reality is, a bad skirt experience shouldn’t dictate the many future skirt experiences for all eternity. Things fit differently be it changes to the cut, the fit, the body. I picked up a white denim maxi from the sale rack at J.Crew about a month ago, it’s great. Pairs well with a black tee, tank, belt, you get it. I’ve included her below as well as a Frankie Shop trouser skirt I recently picked up and a roundup of a few others I have my eye on.

Try the fucking skirt on.



This Week in Outfits: 08122024