I think the universe has been waiting for me to return to this unfinished fashion blog.

Entering 2024, I made a resolution - “just have fun.” Short, sweet, wildly complex yet somehow not blanketed by impending doom and overwhelm as previously anticipated. The movements towards “having fun” have been filled with reflective pauses. A constant state of immediacy isn’t admirable, it’s lethal. There’s burnout and there’s failure to associate with your burnout wherein you find yourself running after nothing, repeating, why, what, how as though martyr inquiry is a form of prayer. Slowing down isn’t easy but i’ve found it to be a significant, worthwhile practice. Be it on a weekend walk or taking a breath before responding to a peer. The pause welcomes clarity with permission to be seen, heard and embraced in our most genuine, vulnerable forms.

I’m hitting publish again - not for any isolated reason in particular, mostly because I’ve thought about this space more in the last two months than I have in the last three years combined. There’s a perception stitched fear to starting over that’s exacerbated when you’re continuously starting over. I’m not starting over though, i’m remembering, revisiting, reintroducing. As i’ve come back to this space i’ve revived pages created by a 23 year old girl, fashion obsessed, likely sleep deprived and seeking community. These pages were then disabled by her 26 year old self, discouraged, sleep deprived (definitely) and seeking convention. Now 28, that girl, still fashion obsessed, is proud to recognize this space as something beyond special and it’s resurgence, however quiet, is a testimony to the realm of unlimited acceptance within all of our journeys towards freedom.


This Week in Outfits: 08122024


From the Archives: Existing is a Massive Warehouse Filled with "stuff"